Fountonium Hero Unit

How clean is your screen?

Cheese Balls Sm3 Look at your screen for a moment. Really look at it and see what is getting in the way of you and your computer. See that dust? Those fingerprint smudges? That residue from that time you sneezed while eating cheesepuffs? Every day your screen accumulates all sorts of dirty particles and bacteria. Everyone needs to clean off the dust and grime from their screens and Fountonium™ is the best candidate for the job.

See what Fountonium will do for you:

Increase productivity

Thanks to science and fancy graphs, it has been proven that productivity is directly correlated to the cleanliness of one’s computer equipment. This is where Fountonium™ shines, literally.

Safely clean all your devices.


Screens are more advanced than ever before. Household chemicals can damage fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating causing irreversible damage. As a non-toxic, alcohol and ammonia-free formula, Fountonium was created to effectively clean these screens while keeping the protective layer safe and intact.

Stay green.

Fountonium Flower

Here at RJS Laboratories, we care about the environment. Our bottles are made from recyclable aluminum and every part of Fountonium's packaging can be reused or recycled.

I want to buy Fountonium!

It's $15 for a cleaning system, and shipped for free. Truly a small price to rid yourself of dirty screens forever. Order yours today!

All major credit cards accepted. Payments via bank account are also supported by PayPal and Amazon Payments.